Venen Engel 6 Mobile Massager

Flexible and location-independent application

1.009€ 605,40€ Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
You save 403,60€
Cuff selection
Are you unsure what the difference is?

Trouser or leg cuffs?

With the leg cuffs, the massage goes from the feet to the thighs. The trouser cuffs additionally massage the buttocks and the lower abdominal area.

We recommend the trouser cuffs

They help reduce cellulite on the buttocks, and improve the appearance of the skin.

NEW: The Lymph Flow Pants

More massage passes in the same amount of time: The Lymph-Flow Pants are our further development of the Pants Mesh. The optimized fit now makes the massage even more efficient.

Arm and abdominal cuff as accessories

Arm and abdominal cuffs are available as accessory products and can be used as a supplement to massage other areas of the body.

Free shipping - with you in 2-3 business days
Good Choice!
  • 1 year warranty

  • 30 days money back guarantee

Der Venen Engel 6 Mobil passt zu dir, wenn:

  • Du eine kabellose & flexible Anwendung suchst
  • Du deine Kompressionsmassage überall & jederzeit genießen möchtest
  • Du gezielt Cellulite und Beinumfang reduzieren willst
  • Du ein kompaktes Gerät bevorzugst

Der Venen Engel 6 bietet:

  • Eine Hosenmanschette – Massagewirkung vom Fuß bis zur Körpermitte
  • 6 Luftkammern – Kraftvolle und effektive Druckmassage
  • Kabellose Nutzung – Akkubetrieb für bis zu 3 Stunden
  • 4 gezielte Programme – Individuelle Zeit und Druckeinstellung

Der Venen Engel 6 Mobil passt zu dir, wenn:

  • Du eine kabellose & flexible Anwendung suchst
  • Du deine Kompressionsmassage überall & jederzeit genießen möchtest
  • Du gezielt Cellulite und Beinumfang reduzieren willst
  • Du ein kompaktes Gerät bevorzugst

Der Venen Engel 6 bietet:

  • Eine Hosenmanschette – Massagewirkung vom Fuß bis zur Körpermitte
  • 6 Luftkammern – Kraftvolle und effektive Druckmassage
  • Kabellose Nutzung – Akkubetrieb für bis zu 3 Stunden
  • 4 gezielte Programme – Individuelle Zeit und Druckeinstellung

We offer installment payment with Klarna. For this you simply have to select Klarna as payment provider at the end of the ordering process and click on "Buy".

You will then be redirected to Klarna and can choose the installment payment there.

We are here for you. If you have any questions, then we are happy to help you with advice and support.

How to contact us:

WhatsApp: Click Here

Call us: +4966617489105


use our contact form.

If it's not a good time, you can also easily book your very own consultation appointment.

Included in the delivery:

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You can find all technical info here:

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Wellcosan GmbH
c/o Caya Postbox 794627
Am Börstig 5
96052 Bamberg

Keep this operating manual carefully! Do not disassemble or burn the device. Repairs to the control unit may only be carried out by specialists authorised by Wellcosan GmbH; otherwise, the warranty will be void. If the device is damaged, unplug it and turn it off. Ensure the device is placed securely. Do not expose the device to shocks or throw it. The device must not be covered by other objects during operation. Ensure the hoses are not twisted or kinked during use and storage. Keep the device away from heat sources (e.g., direct sunlight, radiators, and others). When the device is not in use, it must be turned off. The device will automatically switch off after 10 minutes of inactivity.


From 70 cm leg circumference you need:

Yes, I need an Extension

  • Overlapping air chambers

    For the weightless effect

  • Massage programs

    For your well-being

  • Designed in Germany

    Our quality promise

  • Noticeable changes

    After the first applications


What does remanufactured mean?

Our refurbished Venen Engel devices are shipping returns that we have carefully refurbished. We have repaired them, cleaned them, and subjected them to a thorough technical inspection to ensure that they are working properly. Although there may be damage to the packaging, the unit is shipped complete with all accessories. We offer 1 year warranty on refurbished devices.

Favorable than new
Carefree being - we offer 1 year warranty on the refurbished Venen Engel
Environmentally friendly and sustainable - we give the Venen Engel a new life cycle

Compression massage

How it works

Our compression massagers use special technology to exert targeted pressure on the skin. This inflates the air chambers of the cuffs and the body regionsselectively massaged. With more massage programs, you can personalize your massage experience even more. The massage has an effectbeneficial on your legs and makes themweightless and light.

Product reviews

fight heavy and tired legs

Your new easy living attitude

With innovative technologies and the focus on a light lifestyle our Venen Engels make sure you feel fit and vital again.

Effective and inexpensive complement to massage with a therapist

You can enjoy a compression massage with Venen Engel whenever and wherever you want - for little money.Journeys, waiting times and loss of time are omitted. You do not want to pay everything at once? Our convenient installment payment with Klarna offers you the greatest flexibility.

✔️ no waiting time or prescription necessary
✔️ no annoying appointment