Program A
The air chambers at program A are inflated one after the other and allow a punctual massage from the feet to the thighs (leg cuff) or up to the buttocks (trouser cuff).

Program B
The massage effect in program B is more two-dimensional, as all air chambers are inflated one after the other by the feet and remain during an entire massage session. The leg is thus completely enclosed to "wring out" the tissue like a sponge.
Program C
Program C is an extension to program A. The air chambers are inflated in pairs one after the other and emptied again. The massage effect is thus still punctual, but can cover larger areas on the legs.

Venen Engel 4 Premium
Program sequence
It's finally time for your Venen Engel. To make your massage as relaxed and effective as possible, we have a gift for you: our program sequences, tailored to your mood and your needs. In this booklet, we provide you with various sequences that will not only provide your muscles with different stimuli, but also optimize your massage experience. We are curious to see which program sequences you like best and wish you a wonderful and soothing time with your Venen Engel.