Expert knowledge that enriches your life.

Praktische Tipps und fundierte Informationen rund um Lip- und Lymphödem

Venen Engel: Cover E-book "ein leichter Tag mit Lipödem"

    Practical everyday tips

    Psychological aspects

    Simple exercises & routines

    Nutritional advice

To the product
Venen Engel: E-book

    Strategies for everyday life

    Well-founded expert knowledge

    Nutritional & exercise tips

    Simple & healthy recipes

To the product

Durchblutungsförderung & gezielte Regeneration

Sanfte Massage der Beine für effektive Erleichterung

Venen Engel Vital Flow Massage Pillow

    Oscillation massage with heat function

    8 powerful motors

    5 programs, 3 heat levels

    Bluetooth & app control

Zum Produkt

Cold therapy for leg health

For the natural relief of complaints

Venen Engel Cool Comfort Sleeve - Cool Berry

    Cooling of the entire leg

    Available individually or as a set

    Available in two different colours

    Flexible fit with Velcro fastening

To the Product
Venen Engel Cool Comfort Sleeve - Cool Blue

    Cooling of the entire leg

    Available individually or as a set

    Available in two different colours

    Flexible fit with Velcro fastening

To the Product

Ideal for your compression massage

Für gesteigerte Vitalität und Wohlbefinden

Venen Engel: Freisteller Venenkissen

    Ergonomic shape

    Elevation of the legs

    Relief of the lumbar spine

    Optimal complement to compression massage

About the product
Venen Engel: Zubehoer_EngelBox_1_1

Venen Engel EngelBox


    Storage space plus bench

    89-litre capacity

    Supports up to 260 kg

    Dimensions: 38 × 38 × 56 cm

About the product
Venen Engel: Icon Garantieverlängerung

    1-year warranty extension

    Applicable to any device (within 30 days of purchase)

    Completely worry-free coverage

    No additional costs for damages

About the product

Ergänzung für deinen Venen Engel

Erweitere die Anwendung nach deinem Bedürfnis

Venen Engel Arm Druckwellenmassage Gerät

Venen Engel Lymph-Flow Arm

From 129€

    4, 6 or 8 overlapping air chambers

    Lymph-Flow Arm with chest chamber

    Available for the right or left arm

    With clip closure

About the product
Venen Engel 4 & Venen Engel 4 Premium Druckwellenmassage

    Accessory, without control unit

    4 air chambers

    Cuff for hips & abdomen

    Compatible with 4-chamber devices

About the product
Venen Engel: Freisteller Hosenmanschette

Venen Engel Lymph Flow Pants

From 299€

    Accessory, without control unit

    4, 6 or 8 overlapping air chambers

    Lymph-Flow Pants up to the abdomen

    Only compatible with Premium devices

About the product
Venen Engel: Freisteller Hosenmanschette seitliche Aufnahme

Venen Engel pants cuff

From 329€

    Accessory, without control unit

    6 or 8 air chambers

    Cuff up to the abdomen

    Compatible with 6- and 8-chamber devices

About the product

Umfangserweiterung für deine Manschette

Passende Erweiterungslaschen für den optimalen Sitz

Venen Engel: Erweiterungslasche Freisteller

    2 pieces in a set

    Extension of 10 cm per strap

    Compatible with leg cuffs

    Required from a thigh circumference of 68 cm

About the product
Venen Engel: Freisteller Erweiterungslasche Hosenmanschette

    Extend the circumference of your trouser cuffs by 10cm

    Can be combined several times

    2 extension tabs included

About the product
Venen Engel: Freisteller Erweiterungslasche

    2 pieces in a set

    Extension of 10 cm per strap

    Compatible with Lymph-Flow Pants

    Required for thigh circumference from 75 cm

About the product
Venen Engel: Freisteller Erweiterungsmanschette Bauch

    1 piece included

    Extension of 10 cm per strap

    Compatible with abdominal cuff

    Required from a waist circumference of 110 cm

About the product

Give the gift of a new, light attitude to life

Wünsche erfüllen mit Venen Engel

Venen Engel: Geschenkgutschein vor transparentem Hintergrund

    For the Venen Engel online shop

    Applicable to the entire range

    Immediate delivery via email

    Valid for 3 years from purchase

About the product