Venen Engel 8 Premium Massager (Refurbished)

Certified medical device: financially supported by many health insurance companies

1.049€ 899€ Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
You save 150€
Cuff selection
Are you unsure what the difference is?

Trouser or leg cuffs?

With the leg cuffs, the massage goes from the feet to the thighs. The trouser cuffs additionally massage the buttocks and the lower abdominal area.

We recommend the trouser cuffs

They help reduce cellulite on the buttocks, and improve the appearance of the skin.

NEW: The Lymph Flow Pants

More massage passes in the same amount of time: The Lymph-Flow Pants are our further development of the Pants Mesh. The optimized fit now makes the massage even more efficient.

Arm and abdominal cuff as accessories

Arm and abdominal cuffs are available as accessory products and can be used as a supplement to massage other areas of the body.

Free shipping - with you in 2-3 business days
Good Choice!
  • 1 year warranty

  • 30 days money back guarantee

FREE E-BOOK – How can your daily life with lipedema become easier? When you purchase a medically certified Vein Angel, you will receive our e-book “A Light Day with Lipedema” for free. Look forward to valuable insights and practical everyday tips!

  • 3-FOLD ADJUSTMENT - Four integrated multi-zips on the upper and lower leg, each with three levels, allow you to adjust the fit of your Lymph-Flow Pants individually.
  • MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS - The improved cut and the eight overlapping air chambers ensure that the tissue fluids can flow comfortably to the centre of the body without congestion.
  • FASTER MASSAGE CYCLES - Thanks to the optimised cut and additional multi-zips, the air is directed into the chambers of your Lymph-Flow Pants more quickly. This means you are ready to go faster and can enjoy more massage cycles in the same amount of time.
  • EASY TO HANDLE - Thanks to the new tube cover of the Lymph-Flow Pants 8, the tubes are securely encased during the massage and stay where they should.REDUCES LEG BULK & CELLULITE - The compression effect stimulates your connective tissue and smoothes the skin on your legs and buttocks. The contouring effect can help to temporarily reduce your leg circumference.

We offer installment payment with Klarna. For this you simply have to select Klarna as payment provider at the end of the ordering process and click on "Buy".

You will then be redirected to Klarna and can choose the installment payment there.

We are here for you. If you have any questions, then we are happy to help you with advice and support.

How to contact us:

WhatsApp: Click Here

Call us: +4966617489105


use our contact form.

If it's not a good time, you can also easily book your very own consultation appointment.

Included in the delivery:

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You can find all technical info here:

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Wellcosan GmbH
c/o Caya Postbox 794627
Am Börstig 5
96052 Bamberg

  • Lea las instrucciones cuidadosamente antes de usar el producto.
  • Las personas con discapacidad mental solo pueden usar el dispositivo bajo supervisión.
  • Las reparaciones, el mantenimiento y el reemplazo de componentes no deben realizarse durante el uso y solo pueden ser llevados a cabo por especialistas autorizados por el fabricante. De lo contrario, la garantía quedará anulada.
  • Durante el primer uso, la duración de la aplicación no debe superar los 5 minutos. En usos posteriores, aumente gradualmente la duración según el estado físico del usuario. Un uso prolongado podría causar efectos secundarios no deseados.
  • El producto no debe ser utilizado por bebés o niños pequeños.
  • Asegúrese de que el enchufe y sus manos estén secos al conectar o desconectar el cable de alimentación.
  • Use el dispositivo únicamente con corriente monofásica de 220-230V. Después de usarlo, desenchufe el dispositivo de la toma. Asegúrese de colocarlo de manera que pueda desenchufarlo fácilmente en cualquier momento.
  • Asegúrese de que el cable de alimentación no esté torcido ni doblado, y no coloque objetos pesados (como patas de mesas o sillas) sobre él.
  • Use el dispositivo solo para el propósito indicado.
  • No utilice el dispositivo con regletas de enchufes. No conecte el dispositivo a un enchufe compartido con otros aparatos.
  • Evite sacudir o dejar caer el dispositivo durante su uso o transporte. Proteja el dispositivo de golpes y caídas.
  • Mantenga el dispositivo y los manguitos alejados de fuentes de calor (como radiadores, cigarrillos o luz solar directa) y úselo solo dentro de la temperatura de funcionamiento designada. El uso fuera de este rango podría causar daños, decoloraciones o deformaciones en los manguitos.
  • Si el dispositivo no se ha utilizado durante un período prolongado o ha estado expuesto a bajas temperaturas, podría no funcionar correctamente. Antes de usarlo, infle cualquier manguito 3 o 4 veces al nivel de presión máximo.
  • No utilice agua corriente, aceite, gasolina, alcohol u otros productos químicos para limpiar los manguitos o el dispositivo, ya que esto podría acortar su vida útil. Utilice un paño húmedo para limpiar los manguitos y, en caso de suciedad intensa, añada un limpiador textil. Utilice un paño seco para limpiar el dispositivo.
  • No use el dispositivo desnudo. Durante su uso, lleve ropa interior o pantalones.
  • No abra los manguitos durante el uso para evitar daños.
  • Al desechar el dispositivo, los manguitos, la batería del control remoto o el embalaje, siga las normativas locales de eliminación de residuos y evite la contaminación ambiental.
  • Los daños, el aflojamiento o el fallo del sensor de presión pueden causar un mal funcionamiento del dispositivo. Póngase en contacto con el fabricante para inspección y mantenimiento.
  • Asegúrese de que no se coloquen objetos pesados sobre los manguitos, las mangueras u otros accesorios, y de que estos no estén torcidos ni doblados, ya que esto podría dañar el sensor de presión.
  • Coloque el dispositivo de manera que el enchufe pueda conectarse y desconectarse fácilmente de la fuente de alimentación.
  • Mantenga el dispositivo fuera del alcance de las mascotas.

  • Overlapping air chambers

    Efficient, effective and selective

  • Massage programs

    Massage according to your wishes

  • Designed in Germany

    Our quality promise

  • Noticeable changes

    After the first applications


What does remanufactured mean?

Our refurbished Venen Engel devices are shipping returns that we have carefully refurbished. We have repaired them, cleaned them, and subjected them to a thorough technical inspection to ensure that they are working properly. Although there may be damage to the packaging, the unit is shipped complete with all accessories. We offer 1 year warranty on refurbished devices.

Favorable than new
Carefree being - we offer 1 year warranty on the refurbished Venen Engel
Environmentally friendly and sustainable - we give the Venen Engel a new life cycle

Compression massage

How it works

Our compression massage devices use a special technology to exert targeted pressure on the skin. The air chambers of the cuffs are inflated and the body regions are massaged selectively. With more massage programmes, you can personalise your massage experience even more. The massage has a soothing effect on your legs and makes them feel weightless and light.

Product reviews

fight heavy and tired legs

Your new easy living attitude

With innovative technologies and the focus on a light lifestyle our Venen Engels make sure you feel fit and vital again.

Be worth it! One-time effort for long-term well-being.

Effective and inexpensive complement to massage with a therapist

You can enjoy a compression massage with Venen Engel whenever and wherever you want - for little money.Journeys, waiting times and loss of time are omitted. You do not want to pay everything at once? Our convenient installment payment with Klarna offers you the greatest flexibility.

✔️ no waiting time or prescription necessary
✔️ no annoying appointment

Simple set up

Benefit from the foolproof application

The Venen Engel is designed to allow a self-explanatory structure and the use works as if by itself. By the stable zipper we guarantee a simple handling and also technical hurdles are excluded by the intuitive menu navigation.

We let our customers speak for us