Our Beauty Venen Engel provides an efficient and soothing massage. It is equipped with numerous features, air chambers, and massage programmes.


6, 8 or 12 air chambers

Venen Engel 8 Premium mit LFP Freisteller

Venen Engel 8 Premium Massager

From €819,00 EUR

    New Lymph-Flow Pants with 8 overlapping air chambers and practical tube cover

    6 massage programmes for every situation

    Successful support of lymph flow

    Effective action against water retention, lipoedema and lymphoedema

    Recommended by experts and therapists

To the product
Venen Engel 6 Premium mit LFP Freisteller

VENEN ENGEL 6 Premium massager

From €499,00 EUR

    New Lymph-Flow Pants with 6 overlapping air chambers and practical tube cover

    6 massage programmes for every situation

    Successful support of lymph flow

    Effective action against water retention, lipoedema and lymphoedema

To the product
Venen Engel 12 Premium Freisteller

    12 overlapping air chambers for our maximum performance

    8 massage programs for your very own customized massage

    Recommended for professional use and commercial locations

To the product

Fewer air chambers, lower price

Entry-level models

Venen Engel AnalogGeraeteVenenEngel4mitBeinmanschette

    4 overlapping air chambers for a soothing massage

    1 massage program for easy operation

    Affordable entry-level model

To the product
Venen Engel AnalogGeraeteVenenEngel4fuerBauch_Beine

    4 overlapping air chambers for a soothing massage

    1 massage program for easy operation

    Massage additional body regions thanks to included abdominal cuff

To the product
Venen Engel 4 Premium Hosenmanschette

Venen Engel 4 Premium Massager

599€ 499€ You save 100€

    4 overlapping air chambers for a soothing massage

    3 massage programs for many application possibilities

    Premium feature: deactivatable chambers for sensitive leg areas

To the product
Venen Engel AnalogGeraeteVenenEngel6mitHosenmanschette

Venen Engel 6 massager

579€ 499€ You save 80€

    6 overlapping air chambers for a more selective massage

    1 massage program for easy operation

    Trouser cuff for additional massage on the buttocks and reduction of cellulite on the bottom

To the product

Kompressionsmassage für die Arme

Venen Engel Arm Druckwellenmassage Gerät

Venen Engel Lymph-Flow Arm

From 129€

    4, 6 or 8 overlapping air chambers

    Lymph-Flow Arm with chest chamber

    Available for the right or left arm

    With clip closure

Zum Produkt
Venen_Engel Druckwellenmassage Arm

    ✓ With the Venen Engel 4 and the Lymph-Flow Arm 4

    ✓ Customised massage for indulgence at home

    ✓ Combines compression and individual adjustment

    ✓ Ideal for targeted relaxation of the arm

Zum Produkt

    ✓ With the Venen Engel 8 Premium and the Lymph-Flow Arm 8

    ✓ Customised massage with 8 chambers

    ✓ Combines compression and individual adjustment

    ✓ Ideal for targeted support of lymph flow in the arm

Zum Produkt
Venen Engel: Mujer de color estirada en el sofá de su domicilio disfrutando de una sesión de presoterapia. Venen Engel: Mujer de color estirada en el sofá de su domicilio disfrutando de una sesión de presoterapia.

With just a few questions to the perfect Venen Engel